Contenta ARW Converter will convert and process your ARWs in Batch.
* Do you often take hundreds or thousands of pictures in a single shooting session?
* Do you shoot in ARW format ?
* Do you need to convert, reduce, rename and organize them into a meaningful sub-folder hierarchy ?
* Do you need your photos to be optimized for the web ?
* Do you need high control on file sizes and image quality ?
Read Sony ARW format
Write to common formats (JPG, JPEG 2000 (JP2, J2K), GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, PPM, PDF)
Batch conversion
Batch ARW processing (brightness, White Balance, denoising)
Preview quality and final file sizes
Reduce sizes for computer screens, web publishing, iPod, PSP
Automatically rename to meaningful names using metadata *
Automatically organize in meaningful subfolders using metadata *
Apply effects (convert Black&White, Sepia, Histogram equalization, Blur, Sharpen, Median filtering, Add watermark for copyright Protection)
Optimized for multi-core processing